TL;DR I'm a researcher professor working at the University of Manchester in the Department of Computer Science. I've been working in Type 1 Diabetes (T1D/T1DM) technology since 2018, specifically focusing on glucose and carbohydrate dosing (I'm leaving insulin dosing to the large corporations) and in-silico simulation as applied to the real world. The technology focuses an behavioural (digital) phenotyping assuming that we are habitual (or at least repetitive) and that there is a transitive relationship between blood glucose and behaviour.
All of my work is focused an trying to move research to technology in peoples hands as fast as possible which is why I have the Melontech startup for research prototypes, and an independent side project.
Before my work in T1DM I spent 25 years in accessibility research specifically around profound blindness and the World Wide Web, with some forays into Parkinson's Disease, Autism, and.
Live Notes | Category:Cards on the Table
By way of “<a href="">full disclosure</a>” I should also say I pay for this site myself, but do not make any significant financial profit from it. So this site is a shop window for research I’m doing as well as related work. Any opinions expressed are my own and not necessarily representative of my employer.
Unless stated otherwise, words, pictures, audio and video you find here are licensed under a CC-BY license, which requires attribution, but allows free redistribution (see below). So feel free to copy, distribute, transmit, remix and adapt work you find here, just give me credit and attribution by linking back to where you originally took the data from.
This work is licensed under a <a href="" rel="license">Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License</a>.
How did I get here? Well I haven't been here forever. I failed all my exams at school and so became a worker at <a class="ref" title="Blidworth Village" href="">Blidworth</a> Colliery in Nottinghamshire (Soap Box... you know, before <a class="ref" title="Margaret Thatcher" href="">Thatcher</a> <a class="ref" title="Miners Strike" href="">wiped out a whole working community of a couple of hundred thousand in one stroke</a>. Yes people unemployed are always acceptable as long as it's all done in the name of a free market, tell that to the Nuclear Industry, even if the European market, in fact all markets aren't truly free!). But while loads of people liked it I didn't, so I took some courses and got myself onto a degree program. And hey-presto here I am!
Personal Note
I live happily in Manchester (UK) with my <a title="To Rina's Site" href="">artistic Armenian fiancee</a>. I'm an active supporter of many charities, among them Greenpeace, Amnesty, MSF, and Oxfam. I've travelled solo through Europe, Eastern Europe, Turkey, and the Middle East - and most other places on research related activities. I'm a qualified yachtsman and an avid kayaker and sub-aqua diver. And I like nothing better than a good curry and a good beer; in fact I'm an all around gastronome and Bon viveur!
Who Pays Me?
The University of Manchester are my main employer. I'm also paid a small amount for collaborations, however, all is bound up with the University of Manchester and so becomes indivisible. This is all; I receive no other payments.
What are my Politics?
I'm a paid up member of the Labour Party, the Fabian Society, and the University and College Union, as well as being a signatory to the Euston Manefesto. I'm reasonably ethical, global warming due to Greenhouse gases IS OCCURRING, all politicians are self serving and power hungry - just deal with it - we therefore have lots of control. Make changes to your own life don't complain about the things that governments aren't doing and then forget about it. You should take control of your own life.
Am I in a Union?
Yes, I'm a member of the <a title="What is the UCU" href="">University and College Union (UCU)</a>. The UCU trade union represents lecturers, professors and researchers, as well as administrative, library and computing staff in universities across the UK. We represent around 110, 000 academic and academic related staff in Further and Higher Education. I'm not particularly active in the union however <a title="What is the NUM?" href="">I tend to be quite hard line (it's my NUM upbringing)</a> in voting and industrial actions.
Charitable Giving
<a title="The Millennium Project was commissioned by the United Nations Secretary-General in 2002 to develop a concrete action plan for the world to achieve the Millennium Development Goals and to reverse the grinding poverty, hunger and disease affecting billions of people." href="" target="_self">The UN Millennium Project</a> refers to the repeated commitment of the world's <a title="The UN Millennium Project's analysis indicates that 0.7% of rich world GNI can provide enough resources to meet Millennium Development Goals, but developed countries must follow through on commitments and begin increasing ODA volumes today. If every developed country set and followed through on a timetable to reach 0.7% by 2015, the world could make dramatic progress in the fight against poverty and start on a path to achieve the Millennium Development Goals and end extreme poverty within a generation. " href="" target="_self">governments to commit 0.7% of rich-countries</a>' Gross national product (GNP) to Official Development Assistance. Spurred by this target I give 3% of my Gross Salary to Charities specifically: League Against Cruel Sports, Oxfam, Greenpeace, Royal National Lifeboat Institute, Dr Hadwen Trust, Amnesty International, The Woodland Trust, Mind, The Stroke Association and Médecins Sans Frontières.
Religious Leanings
I'm pretty agnostic about religion and spirituality. I don't really believe in it but I'm fine if others do, maybe because I'm prepared to admit I may be wrong, well not really, but let's say I'd like to be wrong. I'm a vegetarian though!
The move to T1DM was not accidental. In Autumn 2018 my Granddaughter (then 16 months old) became a person with T1DM. Why this autoimmune condition occurs is not really clearly understood at present. At that time I could see how my work could be useful in T1DM and so I pivoted away from my pastwork and focused my entire research portfolio (except accessibility) to T1DM,
TL;DR I'm a researcher professor (full) working at the University of Manchester in the Department of Computer Science. Since 2018 I've focused in technology for people with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus, but the last 25 years I've been working in Web Accessibility with a particular focus on profound blindness, with a foray into Parkinson's Disease.